Installing +40% Injectors
With A Two-Piece Intake
When I attempted to put a set of +40% injectors in with my two-piece intake,
I discovered that they don't fit! I had never seen this mentioned
anywhere before, so this explains how I solved the problem.

The o-ring doesn't seat
fully with the unmodified
fuel rail.
If the fuel rail for the two-piece intake is installed normally, the +40%
injectors will not go into the intake far enough to fully seat the o-rings. You
cannot push them in farther because of the position of the bolt holes in the
brackets on the fuel rail. This is apparently not a problem with the one-piece
intake fuel rail.

How to modify the fuel
rail bracket so the
injectors will seat
To correct this, you must make the holes in the bracket bigger. I used a
carbide cutter with a Dremel tool to elongate the holes by about 2 mm. This let
me push the injectors in fully and solved the problem. The blue areas in the
picture show the original holes in the bracket, and the red areas show what to
remove to make the holes bigger.